Expand your FileMaker Pro Development Skills

Enhance your FileMaker Pro expertise with our Advanced 2 FileMaker training course Building on the foundation laid in our Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced 1 courses, Productive Computing University’s Claris FileMaker … Read More

What is a Webhook?

How do webhooks integrate with the Claris Platform? What is a Webhook? A webhook is a method for one system to send real-time data to another system as soon as … Read More

Learn Claris Connect Fundamentals

Take our updated course to connect with Claris! Are you ready to take FileMaker automation to the next level? Claris Connect enables you to streamline everyday business tasks and processes … Read More

Using JSON with Claris FileMaker

If you have done any development work in Claris FileMaker or worked with APIs, you may have heard references to JSON but not been aware of how to use JSON … Read More

My Thoughts on the Future of Claris

Claris recently made some really big announcements and I thought I’d share some specific thoughts on the future of Claris. My journey with FileMaker started way back in 1991 so … Read More

Sending Texts From FileMaker With Twilio

Are you sending text messages to your customers? Although 54% of consumers prefer to chat with brands via text message, only 11% of brands use texting to communicate. Texting may … Read More

Understanding FileMaker and QuickBooks Integrations 

For developers looking to get started with integrating QuickBooks with FileMaker, watch this video! QuickBooks integration with FileMaker is one of the most popular topics here at Productive Computing. People often want to streamline their accounting workflow and ask … Read More

FileMaker Charts – Going Beyond the Data

FileMaker charting has been around for nearly a decade – since version 11! The capabilities of the FileMaker charts and graphs, along with the Chart Inspector continue to grow as … Read More

Connect FileMaker to Mailchimp API

Connect FileMaker to Mailchimp with our Mailchimp API course at Productive Computing University! Are you looking for ways to improve your business’ marketing? From email to social media to landing … Read More