Richard Carlton (Richard Carlton Consulting) recently did a video with our CEO, Marc, and our plug-in developer, Chris, discussing our sleeper plug-in, the Biometric Fingerprint Reader.
Released in 2011, this plug-in connects your FileMaker solution to the U.are.U fingerprint reader, enabling your solution to scan fingerprints for fast identification and secure verification. We don't talk about this plug-in very much nor do we spend a lot of time marketing it, but it's a well-designed, tried and true, a workhorse of a plug-in. If you are curious to learn more, check out the video below.
In this 15 minute video they cover:
1. What is the Biometric Fingerprint Reader
2. How the plug-in works
3. Why companies need and use the plug-in (integration example)
4. What the plug-in is and what it is not
5. Demo of the plug-in
6. Discussion of practical application
7. This is Windows only plug-in - is there the possibility of a Mac version?