FileMaker 19 Updates - Features and Details

October 30, 2020 - Newsletter Highlights

Have a look at Claris's blog featuring Productive Computing  

Claris will be posting a series of blogs highlighting the recipients of Claris’ 2020 Community and Partner Excellence Awards. This month they featured Productive Computing and interviewed our CEO, Marc Larochelle. He talks about his history with the FileMaker platform, starting Productive Computing with his brother and CFO, Keith Larochelle, and the goal to create educational content for FileMaker Developers. Read the blog here.

New Versions for FileMaker Pro and FileMaker Server

Claris has been releasing various FileMaker 19 platform updates over the past month and we have been working on a series of videos to discuss some of the new features and the new add-ons in FileMaker Pro. Keep an eye out for more videos over the next few weeks.

FileMaker Pro 19.1.2

With the FileMaker Pro 19.1.2 update, you now have access to a suite of JavaScript-enabled add-ons that you can run in a web viewer. Claris provided some great add-on templates and now other development companies will be offering add-ons in the Claris Marketplace. This technology will open up all sorts of opportunities with your FileMaker development.

Additional new features and updates include:

  • Apex Blue Theme
  • Quick Start Experience (macOS)
  • Get(SystemLocaleElements) and Get(FileLocaleElements) functions
  • changes to JavaScript functions
  • Configure NFC Reading script step now includes a JSON output
FileMaker 19 Logo

FileMaker Pro 19.1.3

The FileMaker Pro 19.1.3 update addresses a few system issues and provides a new option parameter for fmp URLs. In the FileMaker.PerformScriptWithOption() function and in fmp URLs, the option parameter controls how a currently running FileMaker script is handled when the script is called. We now have more options (Continue, Halt, Exit, Resume, Pause, Suspend and Resume) providing more consistent/expected behavior and more in line with the way scripts are called in FileMaker today.


FileMaker Server 19.1.2
The release of FileMaker Server 19.1.2 offers many new and long-awaited features. The biggest news is the combability with Linux - specifically CentOS Linux 7.8. The Linux version provides server-side script schedules, server-side plug-ins, Data integration via OData and the FileMaker Data API, and more.

This release also offers a number of improvements in performance, stability, and reliability. Such as:

  • improvements to the upgrade process where the installer now preserves user data and configuration
  • optimized indexing and sorting on multi-user apps
  • enhancements to manage file integrity, temporary files, and backups
  • improved security for SSL and TLS certificates

For more details, have a look at the release notes for each version:

If you need FileMaker licensing, we can help! Call 760-510-1200 or email us at

See this page for more details on the initial release of FileMaker 19.

New Video Series for FileMaker JavaScript-enabled Add-ons

Fundamentals for using JavaScript add-ons
This video provides a quick summary of things to know when working with the FileMaker add-ons. We cover installation, configuration, sample data usage, instances and copies, uninstalling, and upgrading add-ons.


Using a Kanban board in FileMaker
Have a look as we demonstrate the Kanban add-on, set it up with sample data, and modify it to accommodate multiple lanes or processes.

Using the Calendar FileMaker add-on
In this video, we cover installation, configuration, and explain the included buttons & scripts.


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