Claris FileMaker 19 - New Features & Product Updates
San Diego, CA - May 20, 2020 - Productive Computing, Inc., a Claris Platinum Partner, announces a new video covering FileMaker 19 features and FileMaker plug-in compatibility updates.
FileMaker 19 is Now Available!
FileMaker® 19 has arrived, and we are excited to introduce it today! As with every new FileMaker release, there are tons of new features and highlights in this update.
Not only can we get you started and licensed with this new product, but we also have a new overview video available on YouTube to give you some details of this new version.
For more information about the platform or to purchase FileMaker 19 please contact or call (760) 510-1200.
Edit October 2020 - see this page for details on updates to FileMaker 19 updated versions (FileMaker Pro 19.1.2 and 19.1.3 and FileMaker Server 19.1.2)
Edit December 2020 - see this page for details on updates to the FileMaker platform - version 19.2.1 for FileMaker Pro, FileMaker Server, and FileMaker Cloud.
FileMaker 19 is available with these new features:
- Dedicated area for Add-ons with install/uninstall capability
- JavaScript integration directly between FileMaker Pro and web viewer
- Siri Shortcuts support in FileMaker Go
- Card support in FileMaker WebDirect
- Various improved layout design tools
- macOS Dark Mode support in FileMaker Pro
- New function to detect light or dark mode with Get(SystemAppearance)
- Set default file to open when FileMaker starts
- Support for HEIF images (High Efficiency Image File)
- Stop and start scanning for NFC (near field communication) tags
- Configure Machine Learning Model with Core ML
- Functions to work with ComputeModel evaluations
- Convert paths between FileMaker and standard formats
- Various changes and improvements to selected functions
- Change minimum version allowed when the file is hosted
All PCI Plug-ins Updated for FileMaker 19
We have reviewed, tested, and updated our plug-ins and demo files for the FileMaker 19 release.
Our FileMaker plug-ins give you the ability to push and pull data between FileMaker and a variety of applications including Outlook, QuickBooks, Apple Contacts and Calendar, Google services, Amazon S3, PDF forms, digital signatures, and biometric fingerprint scanners.
If you are running Windows machine and using our plug-ins, please check the bitness of your system and third-party application before you upgrade to FileMaker 19. The new release of FileMaker Pro 19 is now available only as a 64-bit version.
For more information on the plug-ins or to download an update, please visit our plug-in page or click on the product link:
- Address Book Manipulator - Connect to Apple Contacts
- Biometric Fingerprint Reader - Secure identification and verification
- Change Printer - Manage printers and print projects
- Cloud Manipulator - Access AWS S3 data, buckets, and folders
- eSign Signature Capture - Capture and bind signatures
- Exchange Manipulator SE - Connect to Microsoft 365
- File Manipulator - Manage files and folders on local and network drives
- FM Books Connector - Connect to QuickBooks Desktop
- FM Books Connector Online - Connect to QuickBooks Online
- FM Credit Card - Securely capture and process credit card information
- gManipulator - Connect to Gmail or G Suite
- iCal Manipulator - Connect to Apple Calendar
- Outlook Manipulator - Connect to Microsoft Outlook and Exchange
- PDF Manipulator DC - Work with Adobe Acrobat DC PDF documents and forms
All users with an active plug-in subscription may upgrade to the most recent FileMaker 19 compatible version free of charge.
For more information or to purchase our plug-ins, please contact or call (760) 510 -1200.
FM Server Manager Updated
Our FREE FM Server Manager tool is now compatible with FileMaker 19. Use the FM Server Manager to connect to your FileMaker Server 17 or higher, monitor the status of your databases, client connections, and schedules.
Check out the course or our blog for more information on this free tool.
FM Data Migration Assistant Updated
The FREE FM Data Migration Assistant tool automates the process of cloning your FileMaker files and transferring data easily and is now updated and compatible with FileMaker Server 19.
Check out the course or our blog for more information on this free tool.
FileMaker 19 - A Revolution in the Making
In this episode of the Fireside FileMaker Podcast, Marc Larochelle joins John Mark Osborne and Michael Rocharde to discuss the release of FileMaker 19.
They review the new features and discuss how FileMaker 19 will revolutionize FileMaker development.