What to Know Before Moving to QuickBooks Online

FileMaker and QuickBooks Online

If you have been thinking about moving from — or have been getting influenced to move from — QuickBooks Desktop to QuickBooks Online, then make sure you know if you can and what potential costs are involved.

QuickBooks Features – Be Aware of the Differences

QuickBooks Desktop offers more features than QuickBooks Online. Before you consider migrating, it is crucial to ensure that the features you are currently using with QuickBooks Desktop are available in the Online versions. Below are just a few of the features that are currently NOT available in QuickBooks Online.

  • Billing Rate Levels
  • Bin Locations
  • Custom Fields in Lists
  • Customer Groups
  • Customer Messages (Customer & Vendor Profile Lists)
  • Discounts
  • Inventory Sites
  • Item Estimates vs Actuals
  • Job Types (Customer & Vendor Profile Lists)
  • Leads
  • Other Charges
  • Other Names
  • Price Levels
  • Reminders
  • Sales Orders
  • Sales Reps (Customer & Vendor Profile Lists)
  • Ship Via (Customer & Vendor Profile Lists)
  • Statement Charges
  • Vehicles (Customer & Vendor Profile Lists)
  • Vendor Types (Customer & Vendor Profile Lists

For a complete comparison between QuickBooks Desktop and QuickBooks Online, you can access the list in Intuit’s knowledge base.

If you are not using any of the features above and want to make the move, please reach out to us at sales@productivecomputing.com.

FileMaker to QuickBooks Integration Scripting Differences

QuickBooks Desktop scripting is not identical to scripting for QuickBooks Online. You will want to carefully plan the migration with your developer and give yourself adequate time to review, convert, or add scripts for your existing functionality to work seamlessly.

Upcoming Changes with QuickBooks Desktop

Some of our clients have contacted us wondering about all the upcoming changes Intuit has announced regarding the discontinuation of some QuickBooks Desktop versions, and whether or not they will be forced to move to QuickBooks Online. 

While we can’t predict what the future holds, the answer for today is no. Some versions of QuickBooks Desktop will be discontinued for new purchases however existing users who are on subscription will still be able to renew their subscriptions as normal and still receive security updates, product updates, and support. QuickBooks Enterprise will remain as the primary QuickBooks Desktop option for new subscriptions and is not impacted by this change. 

If at some future date you are unable to continue with the QuickBooks Desktop version you are currently using, you can always switch over to QuickBooks Enterprise and in doing so your system will require NO scripting changes to your existing FileMaker to QuickBooks Desktop integration.

For more information about the most recent announcements from Intuit about QuickBooks Desktop, you can review it on the Intuit website.

If you need some help deciding on the best option for you, our team can help.

QuickBooks Integration Products and Services Available from PCI

Hire our team to help! We have certified FileMaker developers available to create a secure and streamlined accounting process. 

Other products and services we offer:

FileMaker and QuickBooks
Claris Connect Custom Connectors

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